Patent Professionals love Ambercite

Customer Testimonials

Utilizing a mix of complementary search techniques is a key to our success in servicing the needs of our clients. While there are many tools available, most provide a broader range of functions rather than the sharp focus of Ambercite on multi-level citation analysis. For us, Ambercite is mission critical by providing us with a state of the art citation based search tool that is best in class.
— Mitch S. Rosenfeld, Managing Director, Black Stone IP
I’m pleased to inform you that Ambercite is taking an evermore important part in our patent search activities - for a reason: it finds stuff.
— Kristian Luoto, Seppo Laine Patent Attorneys, Finland
Ambercite is a leap forward in efficiency and organization. I work very fast, through a number of patents with this platform, and it has significantly improved my patent research workflow. It allows me to visualize and catalog prior art in a way that is intuitive and more closely resembles my mental map. Thank you for giving me the gift of time, and freeing me up to focus on the surgical and medical treatment of women’s cancer, and the research and innovations we are aggressively pursuing.
— Mark Hunter, M.D.,Director of Gynecologic Oncology, Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, University of Missouri
I love it. In fact, you know you’re onto a great thing when you have no idea how I managed before. Seriously – what did we all do before?!
— Megan Hoare, IP Counsel, Breville Ltd., Multi-national Manufacturing Company
Ambercite has managed to create a tool to enhance chemical patent due diligence in a remarkable way…revealing art which may cover compounds in discovery within claims of a generic scope. Congratulations!
— Patent Analyst, Novartis, USA
I was able to uncover significantly more patents that were relevant to my topic, ... much more quickly than when compared to a text based site. I found the graphical representation very intuitive and easy to use. It also opened up relevant areas that I would not have otherwise considered
— Mechanical Engineering Consultant, Planet Innovation, Australia
A fantastic tool for technical/IP folk in terms of opportunity finding and to establish the landscape; showing how active an area is already and who potentially owns patents in that area, including who files good patents in that area. It’s also good for company landscape searches, and indicating how strong competition is in a particular area. It works well with Google patents.
— IP Manager, Global Manufacturing Company
I can not appreciate how much work and time this program has saved us. Its capability to analyse all possible relevant patents in accordance to timeline, key words and other means are a great filtering tool. The degree of relevance highlighted by the thickness and type of arrows are even more helpful in eventually pinpointing a possible IP area to target the new technology
— Kishan Nawzidh, Monash University
That is a badass product ... easy to use ... so powerful ... I can’t recall ever seeing a software product and being so impressed ... and I’m a programmer. I can’t imagine a more powerful and easy to use product as that. Why would you do patent searching any other way ? Or rather ... is any patent search “complete” without first checking Ambercite?
— Stuart McColl, Business Owner, USA
I was looking for a prior art patent to invalidate a granted patent that was blocking a client’s product coming to market. I had tried a conventional patent search, and even a conventional citation search, but without luck. So I ran the search in AmberScope – and by exploring the visual links was able to find a prior art patent that essentially discloses the blocking patent. My client is now in a much better position to bring a product to market. Once again, AmberScope has found prior art missed by other searching techniques.
— Gennaro Simonetta – Patent attorney, IP consultant – Griffith Hack
AmberScope was able to find a novelty knockout document for a granted patent where the novelty knockout document was missed both the PTO and a leading US attorney firm asked to provide a validity opinion.
— Patent Attorney, FAK, Australia