Ambercite Ai vs conventional searching - feature comparison
A common question for us is - how does Ambercite Ai (formerly known as 'Cluster Searching') compare to conventional searching?
Which is an important question, so we have prepared a simple table:
Feature |
Ambercite Ai |
Conventional searching (subscription or free databases) |
Simple bibliographic details in search results |
Yes |
Yes |
Advanced bibliographical details in search results |
Not directly, but a hyperlink to full bibliographical details is provided. Listed patent numbers can also be imported into other patent databases for further details |
Yes |
Searching based on relevant patent numbers only, avoiding the need to make predictions on likely keywords or class codes |
Yes |
Sometimes |
Listing of direct patent citations |
Yes |
Yes |
Ranking of patents found based on likely similarity to known patent numbers |
Yes |
No |
Inclusion of indirect ‘unknown’ citations in search results |
Yes |
No |
Keyword searching |
No, but this can be done in many free or subscription search engines |
Yes |
Class code searching |
No, but this can be done in many free and subscription search engines |
Yes |
Ranking of potential importance patents by a simple quality predictors |
Yes, being AmberScore |
Only found in a small number of search engines |
Direct ability to hide unwanted results in advance from search results |
Yes |
No |
Ability to apply keyword searching on results found |
Only on title, owner and patent number fields |
Generally in many fields |
Date filtering on results |
Yes |
Yes |
Direct prediction of Licensing Potential for patents found |
Yes |
No |
‘Like’ button on results found |
Yes |
No |
Automatic marking of new patents during iterative search processes |
Images in lists of results | Not directly - only via the lookups we provide | Sometimes |
So which is best? Each approach has their strengths and weaknesses. For this reason, our standing recommendation is to use both – this is what most of our clients do, to their great satisfaction. This is particularly so because Ambercite Ai has been shown to produce different results to that found with conventional or even semantic searching.
There is a further factor to consider - Ambercite Ai uses an unique artificial intelligence approach to find and rank the most similar patents - not other database applies this same approach.
Speaking of which, our list of testimonials is found here, including:
"I was able to uncover significantly more patents that were relevant to my topic, ... much more quickly than when compared to a text based site. I found the graphical representation very intuitive and easy to use. It also opened up relevant areas that I would not have otherwise considered". - Mechanical Engineering Consultant, for a new product engineering company.
Do you want to try Ambercite Ai for yourself?
For a demonstration and free trial, please contact us.